
How to Increase Google Ranking in 2022?

With over 70% of the search market share, Google is the most popular search engine in the world.🌍


If you are not ranked high on Google’s first page for your keywords, then you are missing out on a lot of organic traffic.


To Increase Google Ranking is not an easy task though – it takes time and effort to do so.


But ranking on the first page will increase customer engagement as well as organic traffic. In order to increase google search engine ranking, you have to make sure that you have high-quality content on your website.

How does Google determine your search rankings?

Google’s search engine optimization algorithm is that it is continuously evolving. There are some specific features on which you may focus in order to improve your ranking.


These are Google’s main principles: E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (or Page Quality).  Showing that your business has E-A-T can help you rank the SERPs. This happens because search engines like Google can tell that your website is popular, trustworthy, and authentic. Google considers a website’s E-A-T to protect users from threats and to only give high-quality content that meets their needs.


What are the three stages of rankings that search bots/robots go through?


  • Discovery (crawling) – search engines discover your content by crawling
  • Relevancy ( indexing) – search engines decide how relevant your content is by indexing it. ( based on keywords)
  • Authority ( ranking ) – search engines rank your content in search results based on your site’s SEO authority. ( authority is your ranking strength, the more authority the better position in the search results. )


So, if you want to increase your Google ranking you need to have a healthy SEO strategy. Since a healthy SEO strategy balances building Relevancy ( by creating content ) with building authority ( by earning backlinks ). 




You need to make sure to:


  • Create compelling, unique, high-quality content that people would naturally want to link to.
  • Tell people about your content.
  • If your business is talked about and linked to often just focus on publishing relevant content.
  • If your business is creating a lot of content but not getting many links, focus on building authority.

How to perfectly optimize your content for search engines?

The process of making a website’s pages more attractive to both search engines and users is known as content optimization. But, it’s not always simple to create an SEO-friendly piece of content that’s engaging to both search engines and users. 


For starters, you’ll need to understand what users are searching for, why they’re looking for it, and what they want to find when they arrive at your site. In other words, it is also known as User Intent.


To align with algorithmic expectations and appeal to users in the SERPs, you must also find the right keywords and use them in just the right way. ( Keyword Research )

When you serve potential customers in a particular region, it has different needs and preferences depending on where they are located, you will need to perform local keyword research.


But is it really that simple? No way. 😒

So, without further ado, let’s start with the content optimization process.

Here are some tips which can be helpful for your website to rank at #1🏆.

TIP 1: Title tag and meta description optimization

The title tag of content is one of the most important elements.

When creating an optimized title tag, your target keyword is the ideal place to start.

Make sure your main keyword is at the beginning of the title tag and that it is under 60 characters long. That will help boost your page’s organic search ranking.


I’ll take a blog from Backlinker as an example : “ On page vs Off page SEO: Whats the difference?


Target Keyword is: “ On page vs Off pages SEO “


See how we have used the main target keyword at the start of the title to increase the click-through rate ( CTR )? The same thing happens with the meta description. This information provides more details, both to Google’s bots and potential visitors, about your page content and purpose. The same thing happens with the meta description, only that the length of the text must be no longer than 155 characters. These description tags could be filled with keywords and pop to the top of search engine result pages. Meta descriptions are also shown when sharing your page on social media, so this is another reason to make it accurate, eye-catching, and brief. In this case, as an example, I’ll take Sales.Rocks


TIP 2:  Mobile Optimization

Today more than half of the internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Making a mobile-friendly website is a must for those who want to rank higher.

Google loves mobile-optimized websites, it rewards them with higher visibility and traffic. So here are some tips for mobile optimization done well:


  • Avoid too complex vocabulary elements and write in short sentences and paragraphs.
  • Use mobile-optimized keywords
  • Place the most interesting information at the top of the page so that it loads first.
  • If you have visual content like images, optimize them. You’ll have to work on ALT tags and image tags. ( Make sure that alt tags and image tags are descriptive and contain relevant keywords. People love visual content. Alt-text that is properly optimized has the potential to move your images to the top page of image search results, giving you a second chance to rank higher. )
  • Pages with content that is difficult for a user to access while changing from mobile search results may not rank as well.

TIP 3: Voice Search Optimization

The way people look for information on the internet has changed significantly over time. It’s time to focus on voice search optimization if you haven’t already. According to DialogTech In 2021 voice search will continue growing and this will affect the search queries. 


If you want to optimize for voice search in this kind of case, take these steps:


  • Consider carefully selecting keywords.
  • Always remember to create content that is based on personas.
  • Create FAQ pages for your website because when people ask a question, they usually start with terms like “When,” “What,” and “Who.”


Voice search, according to Forbes, significantly improves user experience.

Top-ranking websites in Google voice search are those that load fast. If this is the case, you must always make sure it actually:


  • Your website is mobile-friendly. ( Make sure that your users can perform any task on the mobile version that they could on the desktop version. You can use a free mobile testing tool such as Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test that offers you a quick way to determine if your site is mobile-friendly.)
  • The images on the website have been optimized.
  • Long-tail keywords should always be used. (A long-tail keyword is more important than ever before)
  • The site loads in the shortest time possible. (Loading time is a huge factor. If your site load time is slow, it won’t rank in the organic search listings.)
  • The response time of your server is low.

TIP 4: Optimizer for Featured Snippets

You may have noticed that when you search for anything particular in Google, a box appears at the top of the page that offers you an exact response to your query.


Here is an example of it :


According to Ahrefs Featured snippets come from pages that already rank in the top 10. Moreover, the vast majority of featured snippets pages rank in the top 5.


You may improve your chances of getting there by optimizing your content properly. What you should do is:


  • Organize your content in a structured way.
  • Optimize for a keyword for which you already rank in the top 10, but not for a snippet.
  • Tables can be used to produce answers.

TIP 5: Build Quality Backinks

As I mentioned above if you want to increase Google ranking you need to publish high-quality content. It is known that everyone wants to share awesome stuff on their sites, but it needs to be the type of high-quality content that people share on social media and link to. Google’s algorithm is mostly based on backlinks.


Building quality links to your piece of content may help your product and category pages rank higher in the SERPs, so always prioritize quality over quantity.

Here are a few successful techniques for increasing the number of links referring to your website:


  • Get backlinks from authoritative and relevant web websites.
  • Regularly promote your work on social media.
  • Guest post and influencer marketing use them to your benefit. ( Guest blog posts are a great method to build your authority while also raising the number of inbound links to your website.)
  • Use social media channels to your benefit.
  • Use online forums to get out to your target audience.
  • Attract your target audience by providing them with useful information. (You should also include internal links. Adding internal links to increase the page rankings, so do external links. Outbound links from other websites to your page will also help improve your SEO ranking too. There are a lot of different types of links you can get such as blog roll links, homepage links, links from blog posts, directory links, educational links, footer links, etc.)
  • Also, if you want to get more links, you should focus on creating long-form content. ( Long-form content attracts more backlinks than short blog posts)



Quality of content is more important than ever in 2021:


Searching preferences and content standards change, Google’s algorithms evolve, and marketers are left wondering: 

  • How can I please both a user and a search engine?
  • How can I achieve higher Google rankings as well as more user clicks?


What can help is proper content optimization. The process of creating web content and optimizing it for your business is determined by the goals you wish to achieve with your digital marketing services or SEO strategy.

Even the smallest changes might have an impact on your content marketing efforts.

Although you won’t be able to drastically improve your SEO ranking overnight, you may make modest changes to boost your SEO ranking over time. You can upgrade SEO on your site and start ranking higher on Google by using tools to look at important factors that affect it, such as loading speed, content issues, meta tags, linking, and crawlability.

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